Customer Testimonials

Weekly Dive

★★★★★ 6 weeks ago

    He is top notch and I was very pleased with the work done. Definitely recommend.

Dante Lucas

★★★★★ 9 weeks ago

    Changed locks and hardware on two doors. I bought the materials and he installed them. Thanks Farmington NY Locksmith

Kasper Johns

★★★★★ 9 weeks ago

    Could not have been any better. Agreed to come, even with almost no advance notice at all. Could not be happier with work completed. Thank you Farmington NY Locksmith

Kelvin Paul

★★★★★ 9 weeks ago

   An excellent and professional job well done, and I'm glad I have Farmington NY Locksmith's direct line readily available 24/7 if anything goes wrong and I need a locksmith.

Lucas Mason

★★★★★ 9 weeks ago

    Incredibly professional, excellent quality, high attention to detail. I would hire them again and recommend to anyone that likes a locksmith job well done.

Noland Wes

★★★★★ 10 weeks ago

    Their work is excellent. They are very meticulous.

Greaves Steve Liam

★★★★★ 10 weeks ago

    Perfect. Showed up on time. The price was great. The locksmith was very nice! He took the time to make sure that our locks closed properly even though we were only charged to rekey them.